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B.C. Catholic

10 posts
'My First Gift to Her Was a Book About Saints. Now She is One"

Lilo Mendoza’s funeral vigil and viewing were attended by nearly 1,000 people who were touched by the little girl’s witness...

The Interior Soul Radiates The Supernatural

Each day after Holy Communion, the Missionaries of Charity of St. Teresa of Calcutta recite the Radiating Christ Prayer written...

How To Respond When People Hurt Us

It’s so easy as human beings to fall into revenge. There is a fine line between desiring justice and entering into the “let me...

Finding God Is Like Falling In Love

The 20th-century theologian Hans Urs Von Balthasar wrote:  “Man is the creature with a mystery in his heart that is bigger...

Resource Parents
For The Introverted Mom Who Is Grieving

I’ve never considered myself a ‘group person’. Growing up I preferred individual sports and never felt a personal fit within...

Love In Truth And Action, Not Just Words

“Let us love, not in word or speech, but in truth and action,” St. John urges in this Sunday’s Second Reading. God himself is...

Before Wondering Why God is Distant, Check What You’re Hiding

One of my biggest fears one year ago was to have to self-isolate for 14 days. Anyone who knows me knows I don’t usually like...

Resource Adults
Embracing Life to the Full With St. Joseph

Not long ago a dear friend of mine passed away. Rachel was 98 years old. When her sons told me about her passing, I was struck...

If Jesus Can Change a Gang Leader's Life, He Can Change Ours

In his book Out of the Black Shadows, Stephen Lungu describes his life journey, from his difficult childhood and life as a gang...

When You're At the End of Your Rope

Like many others over the past few months I have been very hesitant to leave our home. Even when businesses re-opened and...